Standing Operations Officer
C/CPO Lehmkuhl
Standing Ops Chief/MWR
C/PO2 Loring
IT Cadet
C/SA Pasciuta
C/SA Bauch
C/PO2 Loring
The Operations Department is the main department for off-campus events. We work with community service and plan events to do outside of school as a unit. We work with CDMIS and keep track of cadet's community service for promotional awards. We have events as what we call moral boosters which are events we do as a unit that you can attend. A few events that we do is our unit Christmas bowling party, and unit picnic which brings all of us together to meet one another. We also have an event called our annual Military ball that is toward the end of the year where everything is a little more laid back and we get to just relax and enjoy the end of the year. Off campus service clubs that we work beside are team Punta Gorda, the Vietnam Brotherhood, and Habitat for Humanity. We also work alongside businesses and the downtown district square when events are happening in season.
Picture top left : Military Ball 22-23 Class Royalty
Picture top right: Garden Cleanup
Picture bottom right : 23-24 Unit Picnic Seniors Pic