Fantastic Four
Your fantastic four are CO, XO, CMC, and MAA they are the four who run the unit and they are the ones who make sure that everything runs smoothly. The CO over looks everything while approving ideas and things people have come up with. Your XO is in charge of the officers and what they wear on uniforms days and making sure they are making themselves look good. The CMC is in charge of all of the chiefs, his job is to make sure that those few cadets are ready and be willing to become officers. And the CMAA takes charge of unit wide discipline
Company Commander
C/LCDR L. Keith
Bio: As the commanding officer I am responsible for leading the entire company along with setting the example for what a squared away cadet looks like, along with instilling values such as leadership, discipline, and teamwork. I work closely with my XO and CMC along with our SNSI and NSI and act as a bridge between the student staff and school staff. I am here to make sure that we as a unit uphold the Navy core values of Honor, Courage, and commitment and make this year the best it can be. I am also dedicated to helping instill leadership and discipline into everyone.
Executive Officer
C/LT L. Keith
Bio: As the Executive Officer of Charlotte High School's NJROTC Unit, my job is to oversee all officers and maintain discipline. I'm responsible for ensuring that all officers are properly trained and prepared to carry out their duties. I work with the Commanding Officer to develop and implement policies and procedures that promote a effective learning environment. My role involves providing leadership and guidance to the unit, as well as serving as a liaison between the unit and the school administration. Additionally, I must maintain accurate records and reports to ensure compliance with NJROTC regulations.
Company Master Chief
C/MCPO S. Tresalus
Bio: I am the Company Master Chief, My job is to stand as a pillar of leadership, discipline and dedication. I must insure that the chiefs are setting the example for our unit. I must maintain a structure and discipline environment , ensuring that cadets follow regulations and uphold the values of the program.
Master At Arms
C/LTJG N. Dotres
Standing Operations Officer
Operations Chief
C/CPO R. Lehmkuhl
Deck Officer
C/ENS J. Martin
Deck Chief
C/CPO H. Reyes
Bio: My job as deck chief is to work close with my Deck officer. I help run all on campus activities such as football games and track meets. I help maintain the rooms cleanliness while making sure the flags and guide on are all in good condition.
Admin Officer
C/ENS S. Pirri
Admin Chief
C/CPO A. Bailey
Standing Supply Officer
C/LTJG N. Dotres
Supply Chief
C/CPO G. Quintero
Drill Commanders
PT Commander
C/LT L. Keith
PT Co-Commander
C/PO2 J. Concepcion
Armed Exhibition Drill Team Commander
C/LT L. Keith
Academic Commander
C/LTJG N. Dotres
Academic Co-Commander
Armed Basic Drill Team Commander
C/LT L. Keith
Orienteering Commander
C/CPO L. Sung
Orienteering Co-Commander
C/CPO G. Quintero
Unarmed Basic Drill Team Commander
C/ENS S. Pirri
S.T.E.M. Commander
C/LTJG N. Dotres
Unarmed Exhibition Drill Team Commander
C/LT J. Martin